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2016 ticket
Carina F.
2015年7月11日, 22:12


I am trying to purchase a ticket for February 2016 and I can't see how on your site.

Could you advise me when I can buy this ticket for I would like to purchase it as soon as possible. Or is it sold out? I would also like to do Waynu Pichu. Are both of these suitable to do in oneday? I am just training for the track is clsoed not hiking,



Re: 2016 ticket
Messages: 825
2015年7月15日, 13:37

Hello Carina,

Thank you for contacting us. To answer your questions:

1) I am trying to purchase a ticket for February 2016 and I can't see how on your site. It is not possible yet, sales for tickets for 2016 will start in December.

2) Could you advise me when I can buy this ticket for I would like to purchase it as soon as possible. Or is it sold out? It is not sold out. The Ministry of Culture only opens sales for the next year in December.

3) I would also like to do Waynu Pichu. Are both of these suitable to do in one day? Yes, most people do it in 1 day. We cannot know if Wayna PIcchu will be closed when you go because it depends on the weather. But it is open most of the time.

Best regards,

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